About Zero FG Energy
The idea to develop an energy drink goes back several years, but the name itself came to me as I was sitting in my basement like the rest of the country during the 15 days to slow the spread. As soon as it came to me, I knew it was going to be more than just an energy drink. It was going to be representative of an entire new culture. This product is for all the people out there who don’t get offended, want to run their own race, want to speak their mind freely, and want to conform to their own expectations of themselves. It all starts right here! Don’t waste your energy on society and it’s expectations - drop that weight and Live Free… Save Your Energy because we have plenty!
As a company, it is our commitment to build a long-lasting model for success as we cultivate the Zero FG culture. Our goal is to create quality products that represent regular everyday people. That means you don’t have to jump out of airplanes or race motorcycles or fight in a cage for a living in order to relate to the Zero FG mentality!
We are excited to be a brand new company in this moment in history as it’s not every day you get to develop a new culture.
Josh Askew, Founder